5 year University Degree
in Telecommunications

Computer Science, High and Low frequency electronics & communications. Postgraduated in Software Quality

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- MFB Website in progress. Last updated August 2021 -

Twenty five years in IT and Engineering

In 1990 Telecommunications Engineers were filling roles both as electronic engineers, communications engineers or software developers as well as in management positions

Telecommunications Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Graduates have the capacity to manage companies and direct and execute Telecommunications Engineering projects, including: -Communication systems: wired and wireless, optical fibre. -Computer networks, Internet, local area networks (Ethernet, Wi-Fi). -Voice networks, video distribution and television streaming, P2P, mobile networks. -Security in communication networks: encryption, user authentication, digital signatures. -Radio navigation, global positioning systems (GPS). -Information processing: encoding, compression, error correction, image recognition, video clip -recognition, voice recognition, voice generation. -Electronic components and circuits: microprocessor devices (routers, switches, ...), sensors, actuators, transducers. -Technology and electronics, analogue and digital electronic instrumentation, medical electronics, consumer electronics, control systems, robotics, automation. -Bioengineering applications, telemedicine, e-commerce, sensor networks, cloud computing.

From 1993 to 2000 I worked at Hewlett Packard in R&D, Manufacturing Test, Product quality, outsourced production, logistics and distribution in Spain, The Netherlands and France

More than 25 years in IT and Engineering

Söhnle Wagen in Germany made possible my first professional Praktikum in August 1993. This opened me the doors to my part time job at Hewlett Packard. I joined the DeskJet Manufacturing Test Team and among others I wrote my end of Bachelor Project, an Application to perform Test to printers being repaired at the Production Line. This project was qualified with Honours and opened the doors to a long career in Test and Product Engineering in Spain, The Netherlands and France working with a logistics operator with outsourced manufacturing, ensuring product quality, volumes and costs while dealing with distribution center issues. In the Netherlands I reported to Boise, Idaho, USA and worked with a remote team; being their eyes I wrote new manufacturing processes, rolled out tests, audited production and blocked row materials and final product inventories before organising reworks, train technicians and operators to achieve high quality standards.

From 2000 to 2006 I was Project Leader with customers in Canada (Bombardier) and Japan (Mitsubishi Motors Japan)

Bombardier Transportation was the costumer of Temoinsa where I joined as Project Manager. After a year managing the train refurbishment project in Greece I was assigned to the project in Canada, where I designed a Bench Test Equipment (BTE) to repair the Toilet Vacum System for trains supplied by the company. The BTE used a National Instruments computer Analog and Digital Inputs and Outputs and electromechanical parts to simulate testing conditions and help a technician repair it. This mechatronics BTE was used as a project of my master degree and qualified with Honours.

At Lear Corporation I led a two years D&D project for Mitsubishi Motors. With a team of 15 engineers in a Matrix Organisation I ensured quality, followed the Lear Project Management Methodology, met deadlines and followed up very close Product Change Requests (PCR).

Twice a year I met the engineers of the Mitsubishi Purchasing Department in Okazaki to review and discuss the technical reasons leading to extra costs, investment needs and payment agreements. Thanks to those negotiations I achieved a 3% Operational Income project increase in a seven year millions of parts' project.

In 2007 I coordinated R&D and Costumer Support remotely from Bangalore.

Wipro Technologies in Bangalore, India developed the drivers for Hewlett Packard DesignJets and I coordinated the local and remote teams deploying solutions and escalating issues, both from the R&D teams and from costumer support.

Part of the job was technical and part of it was to break the cultural and language barrier.

From 2008 to 2016 I lived in Berlin, Germany where I started my freelance and Digital Solutions Development career..

In Berlin Nokia Siemens Networks, Toll Collect and World of Medicine where the three companies where I worked as Project Manager and Rollout Manager.

In 2012 I started Android Development and pubhished my first App in August 2013. Snorek App was the first of 27 Apps available since 2017 on the Google Play Store and whose objective is the analysis of sleeping sounds and detection of snoring. With thie objective I designed and developed an algorithm to identify the sound of snores from the audio acquired with the microphone of a smart phone.

The Android App evolved to the "SnoreWare, Sleep Data Analysis" project aimed to predict and avoid sleep apnoeas. You will find more information about it in this site

End of 2016 I moved back to Barcelona where I live today. Since then I have freelanced in multiple German and Swiss projects. I have started IoT projects and lectured in four subjects of two University Masters.

Since 2017 I worked on the development of a Web Frontend in Java and multiple IoT Projects collecting sensor data with sensors and gateways I programmed and making it available in a mobile phone. In 2019 Sierra Wireless sponsored my end to end project with one of their IoT prototyping boards.

The Barcelona Technologoy School offers Master Degrees in agreement with the Universitat de Barcelona. In 2020 I tought the Mobile Development, Web Development, Software Craftsmanship and Interface Development in the Master in Digital Solutions Development and the Master in User Experience Design.

As a Consultant, working for a Swiss consulting company I joined a world wide Covid Diagnostics project where I worked as an Android Architect, developing solutions using the Android Jetpack Architecture Components. In daily standups I summarized my project progress and explained the ins and outs to a newly created team.

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