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Diese Website wurde auf English geschrieben. Marc Farssac arbeitet fließend auf Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch und Katalanisch.
JetPack Compose
Remote Diagnostics Prototype
Android App reading remote Internet of Things sensors in Real time
Community with built in Chat and Push Notifications
- Neue Inhalte werden zu MFB angefügt. Letzte Aktualisierung Oktober 2022 -
MFB, Marc Farssac Busquets is an Android Architect and Developer who also brings industry specific, cloud and IoT know how to your project. Among others, will help you with:
Crafting & implementation of high performance, scalable cloud and mobile solutions
Building effective partnerships, collaborating with external clients, leaders across your business, and application architects to define technology and architecture blueprints and build implementation roadmaps to achieve client success.
Participating in the software development life cycle to ensure sound solutions are implemented and best utilized
Working with application teams to understand current applications and make migration recommendations
Collaborating with mobile engineering, information security, governance and other enterprise teams to review and update mobile architecture, patterns and reference implementations.