IoT BLE Sensor readings with Realtime Android Client App

A SOM (System on Module) running the Android Things operating System with custom electronics to display the tempearature readings of two sensors that communicate over Bluetooth Low Energy with the hardware.

We can see in this Green LEDs when the temperature of one sensor is being read and then this is displayed to the corresponding LCD and uploaded to the Cloud. So the Android Things app is connecting one after the other with these two BLE sensors and then displaying the data in the LCDs and uploaded to the Cloud.

Data uploaded to the Cloud is then read from this Android Client App and temperature sensor readings shown in Real time. We can see that this mobile is connected to the telecom network and that data is not shared over bluetooth, but read from the Cloud.

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Telemetry sensors values sent to the cloud uses the MQTT Protocol using a small band with or footprint and is signed for authentication purposes with the RSA256 algorithm with key pairs of at least 2048 bits in size. This is used to authenticate data when this reaches the Cloud and ensure that no one has changed the data or even that the data received belongs to our project.

In future versions of this project we will see Realtime graphics showing the tempearature readings.


- MFB Website in progress. Last updated August 2021 -

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